10 March 2025
COLDSKY.CN – The startup behind the short-lived sleep-sharing capsules in Beijing is ready to make a comeback with

COLDSKY.CN – The startup behind the short-lived sleep-sharing capsules in Beijing is ready to make a comeback with its updated sleep pod as well as a new injection of tens of millions of yuan.

Dai Jiangong, who runs capsule maker Beijing Xiangshui Technology, said the company actually closed the capsules last July for upgrades after stirring up a sensation online, but it never received an order to close down or a fine.

Dai, former CEO and president of SouFun Holdings, told entrepreneur news portal lieyunwang.com that his startup received angel funding in September from the Skyview Fund(天善资本) and Danhua Capital(丹华资本) founded by Zhang Shoucheng, a famed physics professor at Stanford University.

Dai said Zhang has hopes for the sleep capsule concept because tired office workers can multiply their efficiency through a nap.

The third-generation of the sleep capsule looks like a first-class cabin although partially closed, a dramatic facelift to the original appearance of just a sleeping box. Users can adjust the sofa with a control and lie down for a comfortable break.

But the biggest change is users can enjoy fresh air inside thanks to a negative ion generator and monitor for health data on skin, heartbeat and breathing as the startup opens its arms to cooperate with providers of smart equipment. The move reflects the company’s transition from only offering a sleeping space to a close tie-up with the more lucrative health sector.

Priced at 3,000 yuan, the sleep capsule has received a quality certificate and will be used for rental, sale and sharing in environment, such as offices, said Dai, adding he has received more than 1,000 orders.

(Contact the author ukingsun@qq.com/WeChat:ukingsun)

The original story in Chinese by Guo Qianru of www.lieyunwang.com

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