27 July 2024
COLDSKY.CN – The online portal for the People’s Daily, the Communist Party of China’s flagship newspaper, said its

COLDSKY.CN – The online portal for the People’s Daily, the Communist Party of China’s flagship newspaper, said its annual net profit in 2018 rose 140.24 percent to reach 214 million yuan.

The increase of people.cn was driven by revenues generated through a new business – providing content censorship to third parties, which jumped by 166 percent, the Securities Times reported (http://company.stcn.com/2019/0202/14849506.shtml).

In an article published last August in The Press, a People’s Daily publication, Ye Zhenzhen, president of People’s Daily Online, said the portal is experimenting to expand its content censorship services to other platforms “in the new era and under new situations.”

The term “new era” has significant connotations in China since “socialism with Chinese characteristics” was declared to have crossed the threshold into a new era at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2017. (http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-10/18/c_136688475.htm)

A number of China’s top websites including Jinri Toutiao, pearvidoe.com and Migu Culture agreed to be part of a content censorship project by People’s Daily online, according to a seminar organized by the people.cn, titled Online Content Risk Management, in last June.

People’s Daily online said it has advantages in “precise understanding of policy, a talent pool in content management and a complete training system.”

Pan Jian, deputy general manager of People’s Daily online, disclosed in a meeting with investors last November that all information providers in China need to address the issue of “information safety.”

(Story provided by coldsky.cn and contact its manager at Twitter @ukingsun or WeChat: ukingsun.)

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