27 July 2024
COLDSKY.CN – TSImaging(清影华康), a start-up out of biomedical imaging discoveries at Tsinghua University, raised +10M yuan in Series

COLDSKY.CN – TSImaging(清影华康), a start-up out of biomedical imaging discoveries at Tsinghua University, raised +10M yuan in Series Pre-A round of financing, 36kr.com reported.

TSImaging, formed in 2016, provides high-resolution intra- and extracranial vessel wall MRI, east-to-use imaging device to check carotid plaque and lower limb. This page, http://www.tsimaging.net/page176.html, lists the major papers behind the company’s development. 

The investment came from BOHE Angel Fund(薄荷天使基金) and TusStar(启迪之星).

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